There are only two reasons why the verification was unsuccessful.

Incomplete listing

We only verify listing where the listing has the minimum information which are

  1. Contact details (Phone, email, website URL)
  2. Make sure the about us section has enough unique content. In the description, you can write up to 1500 characters. Make full use of it to make your listing stand out.
  3. Business hours are up to date.
  4. Service list
  5. Have added a logo and featured image. If you don’t have a logo just an image for the logo.
  6. The image gallery has images. You can add up to 6 images.
  7. At least one category is added.
  8. You have provided service areas.
  9. At least 1 social media account link is added.

No Verification Badge

We require you to add the Kiwibase verification badge to your website and link it to your own listing on Kiwibase.

  1. Make sure the badge is added. You can add the verification badge anywhere you like.
  2. Make sure the badge has a link back to your listing.

If you are sure you have done all of them and still the verification was unsuccessful please contact us.